If you earned less than $41,646 in 2008, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) could give you a credit of as much as $4,824. Additional credits could pay even more. (Individual credit and refund amounts will vary).

You don’t have to owe federal taxes to receive this credit, but you do have to file your taxes.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at 1-800-829-1040 provides information on the refundable Federal income tax credit for low income families on their Earned Income Tax Credit website.

Save Your Tax Refund

Want to own a home, go to school, buy a car, or start a business? There is a program in our community that can help you save your money, reduce your debt, and learn to manage your money.

For information visit Arizona Saves or call 602-246-3500 or 877-989-3500.

Other Helpful Information:

  • The Arizona Department of Revenue at 1-800-352-4090 provides help with State income taxes.
  • The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)/TCE Tax Preparation Sites at 1-800-352-3792 provides free help for individuals with both federal and state income taxes.
